Thursday, August 26, 2010


•Download the One-Click Ruby Installer for Windows (v.1.8.6-26) from the Ruby One Click Installer Page .

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Watir: Live Scripting Example: Live scripting example in watir

You can learn more.....

require 'watir'
require 'test/unit'
require 'script_runner'
include Watir

class YatraFlights < Test::Unit::TestCase
 script_runner ="C:","C:","Yatra_Flights","",4,4,false)

   def test_01_Homepage
    $ie =
    assert($ie.text_field(:name ,"ddate").exists?)
    #~ assert($ie.contains_text("Book your Trip!"))
  def test_02_Flight_Book_Page

$ie.selectBox( :name ,"origin").select("Bangalore") 
$ie.selectBox( :name ,"destination").select("Mumbai")
      #~ assert($ie.image(:src,/selectDepart.gif/).exists?)
       assert($ie.contains_text("Selection Summary"))

  def test_03_Flight_Booking_Results_Page
    #~ $ie.image(:src,/selectDepart.gif/).click
    sleep 5
    assert($ie.contains_text("Total Travel Price"))

 def test_04_Flight_Review_Page  #Yatra Flight Passenger Page
   #~ $ie.div(:id,'contBooking').button(:name,'submit').click 
   #~ assert($ie.checkbox(:name,'ch1').exists?)
   assert($ie.contains_text(/Review Details/))
      assert($ie.contains_text(/Pricing Details/))
      assert($ie.button(:alt,/Continue Booking/).exists?)

 def test_05_Flight_Passenger_Page
$ie.button(:alt,/Continue Booking/).click

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Watir: Watir Scripting

 Ruby Database

equire 'win32ole'
         class SqlServer 
         # This class manages database connection and queries
        attr_accessor :connection, :data, :fields
         attr_writer :username, :password
        def initialize(sclient,script,pagecode,pagenum,host='', username='', password='',database='')
             puts "in init"
             #~ @dbtype=readINI("C:/config/DB.ini","DBtype")
                       @connection = nil
            @data = nil


     puts "in init"
        def open()
            # Open ADO connection to the SQL Server database
            connection_string =  "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;"
            connection_string << "Persist Security Info=False;"
            connection_string << "User ID=#{$username};"
            connection_string << "password=#{$password};"
            connection_string << "Initial Catalog=#{$database};"
            connection_string << "Data Source=#{$host};"
            connection_string <<"Connect Timeout=#{@timeout};"
            connection_string << "Network Library=dbmssocn"
            puts connection_string
            @connection ='ADODB.Connection')
            #~ if @dbtype="mssql"
            #~ else
              #~ $dbh = Mysql.real_connect( @host,@username,@password ,@database)
              #~ end
          def query(sql)
            # Create an instance of an ADO Recordset
            recordset ='ADODB.Recordset')
            #puts @connection
            # Open the recordset, using an SQL statement and the
            # existing ADO connection
            recordset.Open(sql, @connection)
            # Create and populate an array of field names
            @fields = []

            recordset.Fields.each do |field|
                @fields << field.Name
                # Move to the first record/row, if any exist
                # Grab all records
                @data = recordset.GetRows
                @data = []
            #~ recordset.Close
            # An ADO Recordset's GetRows method returns an array
            # of columns, so we'll use the transpose method to
            # convert it to an array of rows
            @data = @data.transpose
        def close
          #~ recordset.Close

Friday, April 9, 2010

Watir: Introduction: What is Watir


"Watir" (pronounced water) stands for "Web Application Testing in Ruby". Watir is an automated test tool which uses the Ruby scripting language to drive the Internet Explorer web browser. Watir is a toolkit for automated tests to be developed and run against a web browser.

What Does Watir Work With?

Watir will drive web applications that are served up as HTML pages in a web browser. Watir will not work with ActiveX plugin components, Java Applets, Macromedia Flash, or other plugin applications. To determine whether Watir can be used to automate a part of a web application, right click on the object and see if the View Source menu option is available. If you can view the HTML source, that object can be automated using Watir.


To use the tool, you should have a basic understanding of:
  • HTML: This is a basic HTML tutorial.
  • Programming: You should understand programming basics, including variables and simple control structures like "for" loops and "if" statements.
  • Ruby: You do not need to know how to program in Ruby to get started with Watir, but you should learn some Ruby if you really want to get the most out of Watir
  • Check out the Ruby Cheat Sheet for basic Ruby information.
  • Microsoft has a toolbar for Internet Explorer which can be useful in navigating the DOM for pages that you're looking to automate.

Watir: Install Ruby: How to Installed Ruby ?

  • Log in as administrator.
  • Download the One-Click Ruby Installer for Windows (v.1.8.6-26) from the Ruby One Click Installer Page .
    We recommend using the latest version of Ruby 1.8.6 with Watir 1.6.
    Watir's modal dialog support in Watir 1.5 required Ruby 1.8.2. This is no longer true and this feature now requires Ruby 1.8.6.
  • Run it (leave all choices at the default).
  • You have installed Ruby.
  • Installing Ruby 1.9.1

    Install the lastest 1.9.1 RubyInstaller and development kit from here:
    (at the time of writing it is this: rubyinstaller-1.9.1-p243-rc1.exe)
    Note: The Ruby path is not set by default but there is an option to set it in the installer
    Type ruby -v in the command line which should return
    ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) [i386-mingw32]
    You can have >1 versions of Ruby installed, but the first that is found in the path is used.
    Download 7-zip and unzip the devkit to here C:\ruby19

Watir: Install Watir: How to install Watir?

nstalling from behind a proxy
If you are installing from behind a proxy, be sure to add the following to the end of any gem install or gem update command:
-p http://your-proxy-server-name:your-proxy-server-port
For example, if your proxy server was named proxy and it accepted connections on port 8000, your addition to the command line would be
-p http://proxy:8000
Read the gem install documentation for more information on specifying the proxy.


Watir supports Internet Explorer 5.5, 6 and 7 on Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003 and Vista. Watir also supports Firefox 2 and 3.
  1. Make sure you are logged in as administrator.
  2. Open command prompt and type:
    gem update --system
    gem install watir
  3. Beginning with Watir 1.6.0 (Oct 2008), this installs drivers for both
    IE and Firefox (FireWatir). Output should be something like this:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\>gem install watir
    Successfully installed watir-1.5.x
    Installing ri documentation for watir-1.5.x...
    Installing RDoc documentation for watir-1.5.x...
  4. Watir's support for Firefox also requires a plugin.
    FireWatir Installation#InstalltheJSSHFirefoxExtension
You don't have to download the gem first. Ruby's gem system will automatically find it on the web, download it and install it. Watir's gem includes libraries, and the rdoc. It is convenient for setting up a new machine to run Watir scripts that you've already developed.
The "gem update --system" command will update the gem system itself. This is required
to install Watir gems beginning with Watir 1.5.4 (April 2008). If you have any issues updating the rubygems system, you should update it manually before updating the watir gem.


Type these commands at a command prompt:
sudo gem update --system
sudo gem install firewatir
sudo gem install safariwatir
Watir's support for Firefox also requires a plugin.
FireWatir Installation#InstalltheJSSHFirefoxExtension


To solve Ubuntu 8.10 gem hassle:
Type these commands at a command prompt:
sudo gem update --system
sudo gem install firewatir
Watir's support for Firefox also requires a plugin.
FireWatir Installation#InstalltheJSSHFirefoxExtension
When you install Watir, you may get an error building the documentation for the Builder gem. You can safely ignore this error.

watir:Run Unit Tests:How to run Unit test in Watir?

The unit tests don't work with the Watir 1.6 gem, as described below. Sorry.
You will need a development environment (Get the source code and unit tests from SVN) to run them.

Unit Tests
If you are following the Quick Start Guide, this section is not necessary to get up and running

Running the Unit Tests

After you have installed Ruby and Watir, you can run the unit tests to verify the installation.
To run the unit tests:
  • If you have installed Ruby in its default folder of "C:\Ruby" then in "SciTE" goto:
And press "F5"
  • The tests should all run and pass.
  • If you receive any errors, try updating your gems with:
gem update

Having Problems?

If you are using Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2003, several tests will fail unless you enable active content. To fix this:
  • From the browser, select Tools > Internet Options
  • Select the Advanced tab
  • Under Security, check Allow active content to run in files on My Computer
  • Click OK

Additional Problems

  • If you have the google toolbar installed, you will need to turn off the popup blocker.
  • If you are installing on a new system, you will get a dialog asking about auto-complete. You will have to answer this question before you can run the unit tests.
  • The following gems must be installed. (These are installed when you install the watir gem.)
    • activesupport
    • user-choices

Install Browser Developer Toolbar

To view details of elements in your web application, it is recommended to use a developer toolbar as it will provide element inspection functionality. These quickly show you the element attributes and properties you need to know to automate them with Watir.
There are two recommended packages depending on whether you prefer Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Browser Developer Toolbar
Internet Explorer IE Developer Toolbar
Firefox Firebug

Install Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

  • Make sure you are logged in as administrator.
  • Download Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar.
  • Run it (leave all choices at the default).
  • After installing the toolbar, select Tools -> Toolbars -> Explorer Bar -> IE DOM Explorer.

Install Firebug

  • Got to get firebug using Firefox
  • Click Install Firebug
  • Click Add to Firefox
  • Follow prompts and restart Firefox to enable add on
  • Click the little bug in the lower right hand corner of Firefox
  • Click 'Inspect' then any element in your app

Ruby Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet describes Ruby features. It's not a reference to the language. You do have a reference to the language: the full text of Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide is installed with Ruby. Select start -> All Programs -> Ruby -> Ruby Documentation -> RubyBook Help.


In Ruby, any text on a single line that follows a # is a comment, and is ignored by the Ruby interpreter at run time.
# comment

Function Calls

Parentheses can sometimes be omitted. If you're not sure whether they're required, put them in. To be safe, put them in whenever the call is at all complicated. Even one as simple as this.
puts "hello"
assert_equal(5, number)


Ordinary (local) variables are created through assignment:
number = 5
Now the variable number has the value 5. Ordinary variables begin with lowercase letters. After the first character, they can contain any alphabetical or numeric character. Underscores are helpful for making them readable:
this_is_my_variable = 5
A variable's value is gotten simply by using the name of the variable. The following has the value 10:
number + this_is_my_variable # returns 10

Strings, Objects and Methods

Strings are sequences of text in quotation marks. You can use single or double quotes.
name = 'simon'
name = "simon"
Strings are objects in Ruby. This means that they have methods. (In fact everything in Ruby is an object.)
A method call looks like this:
"simon".upcase # returns "SIMON"
A method is a function for a particular type of object. In this case, the thing before the period is the object, in this case a string simon. The method is upcase. It capitalizes its object.
Like functions, methods can have arguments.
"bookkeeper".include?('book') # returns true
This method is true if its argument book is a substring of bookkeeper.
You can also concatenate strings using the + operator.
"dog" + "house" # returns "doghouse"

Conditionals (if)

if number == 5
  puts "Success" # "Success" is a string. Strings can be surrounded with single or double quotes. 
  puts "FAILURE"
Put the if, else, and end on separate lines as shown. You don't have to indent, but you should.

Function Definitions

def assert_equal(expected, actual)
  if expected != actual
    puts "FAILURE!"
Functions can return values, and those values can be assigned to variables. The return value is the last statement in the definition. Here's a simple example:
def five # note that no parentheses are required
box = five # box's value is 5
Note that we didn't need to say five(), as is required in some languages. You can put in the parentheses if you prefer.
The value of the last statement is always the value returned by the function. Some people like to include a return statement to make this clear, but it doesn't change how the function works. This does the same thing:
def five
  return 5
Here's a little more complicated example:
def make_positive(number)
  if number < 0
variable = make_positive(-5) # variable's value is 5
variable = make_positive(five) # variable's value is 5


Libraries contain functions or methods that can be used in many Ruby programs. Suppose we store the make_positive function defined above in a file called mathplus.rb.
To use it in another script, we must require it:
require 'mathplus'
This will cause Ruby to search its loadpath for a file named mathplus.rb. (It will automatically add the .rb.) It will search the directories that normally contain Ruby libraries, as well as the current directory (typically the same directory as your script).
If your library is in a location that Ruby doesn't know about, you will need to change the loadpath:
$LOAD_PATH << 'c:/my_lib/'
Make sure you include this line before you require libraries in it.


This is an array with nothing in it:
This is an array with two numbers in it:
[1, 2]
This is an array with two numbers and a string in it. You can put anything into an array.
[1, 'hello!', 220]
Here's how you get something out of an array:
array = [1, 'hello', 220]
array[0] # value is 1
Here's how you get the last element out:
array[2] # value is 220
Here's another way to get the last element:
array.last # value is 220
Here's how you change an element:
array[0]= 'boo!' # value printed is 'boo!'
# array is now ['boo', 'hello', 220]
How long is an array?
array.length # value is 3
Here's how you tack something onto the end of an array:
array.push('fred') # array is now ['boo', 'hello', 220, 'fred']


When you do something multiple times, it is called iteration. There are many ways to do this. The following will print hello five times:
5.times do
  puts 'hello'
Here's one way to print the numbers from one to 10:
for x in 1..10 do
  puts x
And here's another:
(1..10).each do |x|
  puts x
The part between the do and the end is called a block. You can replace the do and end with braces:
(1..10).each { |x| puts x }
The 1..10 is a range, which works like an array of the numbers from 1 to 10. The each is a method that iterates through each element of the range. It is called an iterator.
This prints each value of an array:
["a", "b", "c"].each { |x| puts x }
What if you want to transform each element of an array? The following capitalizes each element of an array.
["hi", "there"].collect { |word| word.capitalize } # The result is ["Hi", "There"].

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a useful feature common to many languages. They allow you to match patterns in strings.
Regular expressions are characters surrounded by // or %r{}. A regular expression is compared to a string like this:
regexp =~ string
Most characters in a regular expression match the same character in a string. So, these all match:
/a/ =~ 'a string'
/a/ =~ 'string me along'
This also matches:
/as/ =~ 'a string with astounding length'
Notice that the regular expression can match anywhere in the string. If you want it to match only the beginning of the string, start it with a caret:
/^as/ =~ 'alas, no match'
If you want it to match at the end, end with a dollar sign:
/no$/ =~ 'no match, alas'
If you want the regular expression to match any character in a string, use a period:
/^.s/ =~ "As if I didn't know better!"
There are a number of other special characters that let you amazing and wonderful things with strings. Ruby uses the standard syntax for regular expressions used in many scripting languages. See Programming Ruby for more information about regular expressions.

Truth and Falsehood

If you try the examples above, you'll see that the ones that match print a number. That's the position of the first character in the match. The first expression (/a/ =~ 'a string') returns 0. (Ruby, like most programming languages, starts counting with 0.) The second returns 10.
What happens if there's no match? Type this:
/^as/ =~ 'alas, no match'
and the result will be nil, signifying no match. You can use these results in an if, like this:
if /^as/ =~ some_string
  puts 'the string begins with "as".'
In Ruby, anything but the two special values false and nil are considered true for purposes of an if statement. So match results like 0 and 10 count as true.


A block is like a function without a name. It contains a set of parameters and one or more lines of code. Blocks are used a lot in Ruby. Iterators like each use blocks.
Here's how to search an array for an element:
gems = ['emerald', 'pearl', 'ruby']
gems.detect { |gem| /^r/ =~ gem } # returns "ruby" 
The detect method takes a block as an argument. This block returns true if the first argument starts with an r. (Actually it returns 0, which counts as true.) The detect method itself returns the first element for which its block is true.
When blocks are longer than one line, they are usually written using do and end. This is another way of writing the same code:
gems.detect do |gem| 
  /^r/ =~ gem 


A dictionary lets you say "Give me the value corresponding to key." Dictionaries are also called hashes or associative arrays.
Here's how you create a dictionary:
dict = {}
Here's how you associate a value with a key:
dict['bret'] = 'texas' # looks a lot like an array, except that the key doesn't have to be a number.
Here's how you retrieve a value, given a key:
dict['bret'] # value is 'texas'.
Here's how you ask how many key/value pairs are in the dictionary:
dict.length # value is 1
What values does a dictionary have?
dict.values # value is the Array ['texas'].
What keys does it have?
dict.keys # value is the Array ['bret'].

Expression Substitution

Expression substitution evaluates an expression within a string:
You can do this
name = "Aidy"
puts "My name is: #{name}" 

=> My name is: Aidy
And this:
puts "The sum of four times four is: #{4*4}"

=> The sum of four times four is: 16

Example Test Case

Google Test Search

This document walks through a very simple test case:. To begin, open it in a text editor. If you do not have that file, download it from . To open it with SciTE, simply right-click the file in Windows Explorer, and select Edit from the popup menu.
The format of this example will be to show the Ruby test case scripting code in a box as you would see it in a text editor, with an explanation after it.

Getting Started

Open Internet Explorer, and try out the test case manually on your own:
  1. go to the Google home page
  2. enter pickaxe in the search text field
  3. click the Google Search button

Expected Result

A Google page with results should be shown. Programming Ruby should be high on the list.
Once you have tried the test case out manually, it's time to automate the test case using Watir. Return to the Google home page and view the page source: right mouse click > View Source. Now you can follow along and see how to automate this test with Watir based on the HTML tags in the Google search web application.

Section 1: Comments

Test cases should be commented, just as program code should be commented. In Ruby, any text on a single line that follows a # is a comment, and is ignored by the Ruby interpreter at run time.
What you see in the text editor:
# Demo test for the Watir controller.
# Simple Google test written by Jonathan Kohl 10/10/04.
# Purpose: to demonstrate the following Watir functionality:
#   * entering text into a text field,
#   * clicking a button,
#   * checking to see if a page contains text.
# Test will search Google for the "pickaxe" Ruby book.
Styles differ with comments, but they can really help with test case maintenance. In this case, the author has provided their name, a date and a purpose of the test case. This is here to improve readability, and to help others who may be using the test to understand what it does.

Section 2: Includes

To use Watir, or any other library in our test case, requires us to tell the program where to find the library.
What you see in the text editor:
# the Watir controller
require "watir"
When we run our test script, the Watir library is loaded so that our test cases can use it.

Section 3: Declare Variables

If we are going to use something in our script more than once, or something that could change, we can declare it as a variable and reuse it throughout the script. Some objects we can use for testing tend to change, such as URLs for applications we are testing. In this script, we assign the test URL as a variable. If it changes, we only have to change it in one place.
What you see in the text editor:
# set a variable
test_site = ""
The test case author has chosen to assign the URL to a variable called test_site. It may not be much of an issue in this test case, but using variables for test URLs is often a good practice.

Section 4: Open an Internet Explorer Browser

To begin driving Internet Explorer, we need to tell Watir to open an instance for testing.
What you see in the text editor:
# open the IE browser
ie =
To explain what this is doing, we can start from the right of the = operator. We send a message new to the IE (Internet Explorer) class that is inside Watir module, and assign it to a variable called ie. The ie variable is a local variable (like test_site). This means it can be accessed from our script, but not from other Ruby functions or methods.

Section 5: Interacting With Google

Now we are ready to start automating the steps we ran manually using Watir.

Beginning the test case

What you see in the text editor:
# print some comments
puts "Beginning of test: Google search."
puts is a reserved word in the Ruby language that tells the Ruby Interpreter to print whatever comes after it contained in quotes to the screen. We could just as easily write this information to a file. These puts statements are in this test case to make it more self-explanatory. You can print to the screen as a "friendly message" (e.g. telling the user something is loading while they are waiting for results, or printing a result as "The answer is 5" instead of just "5") or as "flagging" and that is to print to the screen for debugging purposes. Printing what we are doing when we automate the test case is useful for debugging when developing test cases, and for quickly repeating failures for bug reports when the test case doesn't pass.

Step 1: Go to the Google site

This test case follows a pattern of printing out what we intend Watir to do on a web application, followed by the Watir scripting code to carry out that action. This is a style of test case development that is useful for tracking down test case failures quickly.
What you see in the text editor:
puts " Step 1: go to the test site: " + test_site
ie.goto test_site
The first line uses a puts statement to print out the test case step we are attempting to the screen. The second line uses the Watir method goto to direct the test case to the test site: (stored in the variable test_site). When we print out the variable, we concatenate it to the string (the part in quotes) by using the + sign.

Step 2: Enter Search Term pickaxe in the search field

We need to enter the term to search in the text field on the Google home page.
What you see in the web browser:
What you see in the text editor:
puts " Step 2: enter 'pickaxe' in the search text field."
ie.text_field(:name, "q").set "pickaxe" # "q" is the name of the search field
The first line prints the step we are on to the screen. The second line enters the text pickaxe in the text field named q. The comment telling the user that q is the name of the text field is optional.
This is the tag in the HTML source with the name attribute we used:
"Google Search" value="">
The text field has a name attribute q, so we use that to tell Watir what object to interact with.

Step 3: Click the Google Search button

We need to click the search button to activate the Google Search functionality.
What you see in the web browser:
What you see in the text editor:
puts " Step 3: click the 'Google Search' button."
ie.button(:name, "btnG").click # "btnG" is the name of the Search button
The first line prints the step we are on to the screen. The second line clicks the Google Search button.
This is the tag in the HTML source with the name attribute we used:
"Google Search">

Section 6: Evaluating the Results

The Expected Result

This test case prints out what the Expected Result should be prior to the test case using Watir to evaluate the results.
What you see in the text editor:
puts " Expected Result:"
puts "  A Google page with results should be shown. 'Programming Ruby' should be high on the list."
These two statements simply print the expected result of the test to the screen.

Verify Results

Using Watir and a little Ruby, we can evaluate the results to verify whether the test case passed or failed.
puts " Actual Result:"
if ie.text.include? "Programming Ruby"
  puts "  Test Passed. Found the test string: 'Programming Ruby'. Actual Results match Expected Results."
  puts "  Test Failed! Could not find: 'Programming Ruby'."
There is a lot more in this section, but we can break it down.
  • The first line prints out the Actual Result heading to the screen.
  • The second line gets the text of the page and then calls the include? method to determine whether Programming Ruby appears on the first page.
  • Using an if statement, we evaluate whether the include? method was true or false.
    • If include? returns true (or actually anything but false), the text Programming Ruby appears. The test case passes and we print the Test Passed. message.
    • Else, if include? returns false, the text Programming Ruby does not appear. The test case fails and we print the Test Failed! message.
  • We close the conditional if section with an end statement.

End of Test Case

What you see in the text editor:
puts "End of test: Google search."
Prints message to the user that the test case has ended.

Developing Test Cases

The goal of this user guide is to help you get started writing test cases quickly. Each section describes the methods for driving a web application. Select the ones you need for each page of your web application based on the content of each page in the application.
Plan what you need to get Watir to do before you begin scripting. Open your web browser with the application under test in front of you, and pay close attention to the objects on that page. What text fields require entries? What buttons need to be pushed? What links need to be clicked on? It sometimes helps to write out the steps it will take to exercise a test first, and then filling in the Watir scripting code to satisfy each of those steps.
To start developing a test:
  • Open your text editor.
  • Name your test file with a .rb (Ruby) extension (like test.rb).
  • Provide your new test file with access to the Watir tool by entering this statement at the beginning of your test script:
require 'watir'
  • Open Internet Explorer and navigate to the application you wish to test.
  • Interact with it to design your test case.
  • Type the corresponding Watir methods into your test script.
  • Verify the results.

IE:Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar: What is IE?

Microsoft has an extension for Internet Explorer (link does not work with Firefox) that is a great addition to any tester's toolkit and is a great help when scripting web pages using Watir. This works on the DOM in the same manner that Watir does. You can explore the DOM, find elements by clicking on them and more. It's a highly recommended tool to use while writing Watir scripts.
The Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar provides several features for exploring and understanding Web pages. These features enable you to:
  • Explore and modify the document object model (DOM) of a Web page.
  • Locate and select specific elements on a Web page through a variety of techniques.
  • View HTML object class names, ID's, and details such as link paths, tab index values, and access keys.
  • Outline tables, table cells, images, or selected tags.
  • Display image dimensions, file sizes, path information, and alternate (ALT) text.
  • Selectively clear the browser cache and saved cookies. Choose from all objects or those associated with a given domain.
  • Find the style rules used to set specific style values on an element.
  • View the formatted and syntax colored source of HTML and CSS.
  • Style Tracer: Right mouse click on a style value for an element and select Style Tracer to find the style rule that is effecting that value.
  • View Source: View the formatted and syntax colored source of the original page, currently rendered page, element or element with the styles that are effecting it.
To use this extension, in IE6 you can turn it on through the View Menu > Explorer Bar > IE DOM Explorer. In IE7, it's under the Tools icon > Toolbars > Explorer Bar > IE DOM Explorer.
Navigate to Google Search, and you should see something like the following.

In this case you can see the name attribute of the field to use in your scripts. Watir can use different attributes of a tag to manipulate that object, so it is important to know what they are. In some cases the attributes are not explicit in the tag such as the text attributes.

Interacting With a Web Page

You will notice we've chosen to name the variable name ie used in Watir test scripts for the Internet Explorer browser. You could call it whatever you wish, but we use ie for ease of use. This variable tells the Watir library to exercise test scripts against an instance of the Internet Explorer web browser.
In Ruby, think of programming in terms of objects and messages. Watir was also developed with objects and messages in mind. If you think of the ie variable as an object, you can send messages to it. Think of objects as nouns. When you start up Internet Explorer, the operating system starts the program which creates an instance of the Internet Explorer web browser. You refer to this Internet Explorer browser instance as a thing. If you send a message to that object, it will respond to that message if it recognizes it.
Think of the messages as verbs. In Ruby, you send a message to an object by separating the object you are calling from the message you are sending to it with a dot. For example:
would tell the object dog that it must bark.
This isn't very specific though. What dog should bark? In the Watir world, you could identify the test area to be our yard. Like ie, treat it as an object with attributes containing other objects with attributes. For example, in our yard, there are two dogs: Heidi and Megabyte. Each of these dog objects have attributes that identify them. They have names, breeds, shapes and sizes and colors. To be more specific, and interacting with them the Watir way, you could send the message bark to the dog Heidi like this:, "Heidi").bark
This says in Watir syntax: in the yard, identify the dog Heidi by her name attribute, and send her the bark message. The expected outcome would be Heidi responding to the message by barking.
When you develop test scripts with Watir, you interact with objects on a web page by sending them messages. Like the yard example, the Internet Explorer browser itself contains objects. You can access these objects within an Internet Explorer browser instance by identifying them by different attributes. Just like in the dog example, above, you must be very specific when you send messages to objects on a web page. You must also be able to identify objects on a web page by using a variety of different attributes due to the diversity in how tags are declared by different application developers. With Watir, identify objects and send them messages by using the dot notation. For example:
narrows down the type of object to send a message to.
ie.button(:value, "Click Me").click
identifies the object on the page as a button within the instance of Internet Explorer (ie) that has the value attribute (caption) Click Me. When you send the message (the verb) click, Watir interprets and tells Internet Explorer to click.

What is Watir Syntax?

The Watir syntax is shown later with three views. One is the view that we see objects on a web page while viewing them in a web browser. The next view is an example of the Watir code that would be needed to automate an action using that web page object. The third view is the object on the web page shown in its HTML form. This is the way it looks when we view the source of a web page, or open the file in a text editor.

Require the Watir Tool

To use the Watir tool, first enter the following in your test script:
require 'watir'
This allows our test script to use the Watir tool.

Create a Test Instance of Internet Explorer

To create a test instance of Internet Explorer, enter the following in your test script:
ie =
Watir sends a message to Internet Explorer, telling to create a new instance of itself, and assigns that instance to ie.
To create an instance of Internet Explorer and navigate to the site with one statement:
ie = Watir::IE.start("http://mytestsite")
Watir uses the start method to both create a browser instance and navigate to a site.

Site Navigation

To direct your test script to the web application you are testing, enter the URL in this command:
In the example above, enter in your application's URL in place of mytestsite.
Watir sends the goto message to Internet Explorer, telling it to enter the address you entered as a method argument in the Address bar, and to direct the browser to that site.

How to identify Buttons in Watir

In web applications, we generally submit information we have entered or selected in the web page by clicking links, buttons and images, or by hitting Enter/Return on our keyboard.
Watir clicks buttons on a web page by looking at the attributes available in the

HTML Buttons

What you see in the web browser:
This is the tag in the HTML source:
"button" id="one" name="clickme" value="Click Me">

id Attribute

This is the Watir code you need to click a button using the id attribute:
ie.button(:id, "one").click

name Attribute

This is the Watir code you need to click a button using the name attribute:
ie.button(:name, "clickme").click

value Attribute

This is the Watir code you need to click a button using the value attribute:
ie.button(:value, "Click Me").click

Image Buttons

tag looks like an image, but acts like a button. Like HTML buttons it can be accessed by id, name and value attributes. Image buttons can also be accessed by their src attribute.

src Attribute

What you see in the web browser:
This is the tag in the HTML source:
"image" src="images/doit.gif">
This is the Watir code you need to click a button with an image using the src attribute as a regular expression:
ie.button(:src, /doit/).click

How to identify Checkboxes in Watir?

Watir sets or clears checkboxes by looking at the attributes available in the HTML tag. Common attributes are id and name. For complete list see HTML Elements Supported by Watir.
What you see in the web browser:
Check Me:
This is the tag in the HTML source:
Check Me:"checkbox" id="one" name="checkme">

id Attribute

Watir code to set a checkbox using the id attribute:
ie.checkbox(:id, "one").set
Watir code to clear a checkbox using the id attribute:
ie.checkbox(:id, "one").clear

name Attribute

Watir code to set a checkbox using the name attribute:
ie.checkbox(:name, "checkme").set
Watir code to clear a checkbox using the name attribute:
ie.checkbox(:name, "checkme").clear

Watir: How to identify Links ?

You can use Watir to click links in a variety of ways. Watir can click links by looking at the link text you see in the browser or by looking at the attributes available in the HTML tag. Common attributes are id, name and href. For complete list see HTML Elements Supported by Watir.
Here is an example using a link to the Pickaxe book by the Pragmatic Programmers:
What you see in the web browser:
What you see in the HTML source:

id Attribute

Watir code to click a link using the id attribute:, "one").click

name Attribute

Watir code to click a link using the name attribute:, "book").click


Watir code to click a link using link's text:, "Pickaxe").click

href Attribute

Watir code to click a link using the href attribute:, "").click

Watir: How to identify Radio Buttons?

Watir sets or clears radio list items by looking at the attributes available in the HTML tag. Common attributes are id and name. For complete list see HTML Elements Supported by Watir.
What you see in the web browser:
Click Me:
This is the tag in the HTML source:
"radio" name="clickme" id="one">

id Attribute

Watir code to set a radio list item using the and id attribute:, "one").set
Watir code to clear a radio list item using the id attribute:, "one").clear

name Attribute

Watir code to set a radio list item using the name attribute:, "clickme").set
Watir code to clear a radio list item using the name attribute:, "clickme").clear

Watir: How to identify Selection Boxes?

Watir sets or clears an item in a selection box (or dropdown box) by looking at the attributes available in the

id Attribute

Watir code to set a select box item using the id attribute:
ie.select_list(:id, "one").set("is fun")

name Attribute

Watir code to set a select box item using the name attribute:
ie.select_list(:name, "selectme").set("is fun")

Selection Box Methods

Watir code to clear a select box item using the id attribute:
ie.select_list(:id, "one").clearSelection
Watir code to get the contents of a select list:
contents = ie.select_list(:id, "one").getAllContents
NOTE: contents will be an array

Select Multiple

Some select lists can have multiple selections instead of just one. If multiple items can be selected in select box, Watir can set or clear an item.
What you see in the web browser:
This is the tag in the HTML source:

You can set individual options using successive _set_s and you can clear everything that is selected with the clearSelection method. The following code would select every option in the select list and then clear everything.
ie.select_list(:id, 'one').set('Web Testing')
ie.select_list(:id, 'one').set('in Ruby')
ie.select_list(:id, 'one').set('is fun')
ie.select_list(:id, 'one').clearSelection

Watir:Text Fields: How to identify Text Fields in ruby scripting

Text Fields

Watir sets or clears a text field by looking at the attributes available in the HTML tag. Common attributes are id and name. For complete list see HTML Elements Supported by Watir.
What you see in the web browser:
This is the tag in the HTML source:
"text" id="one" name="typeinme">
There is also a file upload element that looks exactly like a text_field with a "Browse" button to the right. For directions on how to interact with this control.

id Attribute

Watir code to set the text field with the string Watir World using the id attribute:
ie.text_field(:id, "one").set("Watir World")
Watir code to clear a text field using the id attribute:
ie.text_field(:id, "one").clear

name Attribute

Watir code to set the text field with the string Watir World using the name attribute:
ie.text_field(:name, "typeinme").set("Watir World")
Watir code to clear a text field using the name attribute:
ie.text_field(:name, "typeinme").clear

watir: Forms: How to identify Forms in ruby scripting?

Forms aren't visible through the browser, but are used a lot in web applications. To find them, look at the HTML source for
tag. Watir can submit forms in a variety of ways.

Forms With Buttons

Watir can submit buttons on a web page contained in a form by looking at the attributes available in the HTML tag. Common attributes are id, name and value. For complete list see HTML Elements Supported by Watir.
What you see in the web browser:

This is the tag in the HTML source:

  "submit" id="one" value="Submit" />

id Attribute

This is the Watir code you need to click a button that will submit a form using the id attribute:
ie.button(:id, "one").click

Forms With No Buttons

There may be input fields on a web page, but no button to submit. Instead, they will allow you to hit Enter/Return on your keyboard. When there is no button to submit the data, we can just submit the form itself.
Watir can submit a form by looking at the attributes available in the
HTML tag. Common attributes are id, name, action and method. For complete list see HTML Elements Supported by Watir. What you see in the web browser:

This is the tag in the HTML source:
"one" name="loginform" action="login" method="get">

id Attribute

Watir code to submit the form using the id attribute:
ie.form(:id, "one").submit

name Attribute

Watir code to submit the form using the name attribute:
ie.form(:name, "loginform").submit

action Attribute

Watir code to submit the form using the action attribute:
ie.form(:action, "login").submit

method Attribute

Watir code to submit the form using the method attribute:
ie.form(:method, "get").submit

watir: Frames: How to identify Frames in ruby scripting

Many web applications use frames. If you are having trouble accessing objects on a web page, be sure to check to see if the application is using frames. To find out, view the source of the page and look for or