Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How to Create watir Frame work : Customer Module.rb

Web Application Testing in Ruby: How to Create watir Frame work : Test Driver tc_main.rb

require 'test/unit'

002 include Test::Unit::Assertions


004 module Customer


006 TITLE = 'Pragprog Books Online Store'

007 URL = 'http://localhost:3000/store/'


009 # Description:: Adds a book named 'book_title' to cart

010 def Customer.add_book(browser, book_title)

011 browser.goto(URL)

012 # Check if title is already in cart - so we can check it was added correctly

013 browser.link(:text,'Show my cart').click

014 prev_cart_count = 0

015 prev_cart_total = 0.00

016 if not browser.div(:text,'Your cart is currently empty').exist? then

017 # We have a non-empty cart

018 for row in browser.table(:index,1)

019 if row[2].text == book_title then

020 prev_cart_count = row[1].text.to_i

021 break

022 end

023 end

024 prev_cart_total = browser.cell(:id, 'totalcell').text[1..-1].to_f #remove $ sign

025 browser.link(:text, 'Continue shopping').click

026 end


028 found = false

029 book_price = 0.00

030 1.upto(browser.divs.length) do |index|

031 if (browser.div(:index,index).attribute_value('className') == 'catalogentry') and (browser.div(:index,index).h3(:text,book_title).exists?) then

032 book_price = browser.div(:index,index).span(:class, 'catalogprice').text[1..-1].to_f #remove $ sign

033 browser.div(:index,index).link(:class,'addtocart').click

034 found = true

035 break

036 end

037 end

038 if not found then

039 return false,'Could not locate title in store'

040 end


042 new_cart_count = 0

043 for row in browser.table(:index,1)

044 if row[2].text == book_title then

045 new_cart_count = row[1].text.to_i

046 break

047 end

048 end

049 new_cart_total = browser.cell(:id, 'totalcell').text[1..-1].to_f # remove $ sign

050 assert_equal(new_cart_count,(prev_cart_count+1), "Ensure that new quantity is now one greater than previously")

051 assert_equal(new_cart_total,(prev_cart_total + book_price), "Ensure that new cart total is old cart total plus book price")

052 browser.link(:text, 'Continue shopping').click

053 return true,new_cart_total

054 end


056 def Customer.check_out(browser, customerName, customerEmail, customerAddress, customerPaymentMethod)

057 browser.goto(URL)

058 browser.link(:text,'Show my cart').click

059 if browser.div(:text,'Your cart is currently empty').exist? then

060 return false,'Your cart is currently empty'

061 end

062 browser.link(:text,"Checkout").click

063 browser.text_field(:id, 'order_name').set(customerName)

064 browser.text_field(:id, 'order_email').set(customerEmail)

065 browser.text_field(:id, 'order_address').set(customerAddress)

066 begin

067 browser.select_list(:id, 'order_pay_type').select(customerPaymentMethod)

068 rescue Watir::Exception::NoValueFoundException

069 flunk('Could not locate customer payment method in drop down list: '+customerPaymentMethod)

070 end

071 browser.button(:name, 'commit').click

072 if browser.div(:id,'errorExplanation').exist? then

073 error = ''

074 1.upto(browser.div(:id,'errorExplanation').lis.length) do |index|

075 error << (browser.div(:id,'errorExplanation').li(:index,index).text + ",")

076 end

077 browser.link(:text,'Continue shopping').click

078 return false, error

079 end

080 assert_equal(browser.div(:id,'notice').text, 'Thank you for your order.',"Thank you for your order should appear.")

081 return true,''

082 end


084 def Customer.empty_cart(browser)

085 browser.goto(URL)

086 browser.link(:text,"Show my cart").click

087 if browser.div(:text,"Your cart is currently empty").exist? then

088 assert('Cart was never empty')

089 else

090 browser.link(:text,'Empty cart').click

091 assert_equal(browser.div(:id, 'notice').text,'Your cart is now empty')

092 end

093 return true,''

094 end


096 def Customer.check_cart_total(browser, exp_total)

097 browser.goto(URL)

098 browser.link(:text,'Show my cart').click

099 if browser.div(:text,'Your cart is currently empty').exist? then

100 return false,'Your cart is currently empty'

101 end

102 act_total = browser.cell(:id, 'totalcell').text[1..-1].to_f

103 assert_equal(act_total,exp_total.to_f,"Check that cart total is as expected.")

104 return true,act_total

105 end

106 end

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