Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How to Create watir Frame work : Test Driver tc_main.rb

Web Application Testing in Ruby: How to Create watir Frame work ?

$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".", "lib")

002 require 'watir'

003 require 'roo'

004 require 'test/unit'

005 require 'customer'

006 require 'admin'

007 $stdout = File.new('log.txt',File::WRONLY|File::APPEND|File::CREAT)

008 $stderr = File.new('log.txt',File::WRONLY|File::APPEND|File::CREAT)


010 class TC_WatirMelon < Test::Unit::TestCase

011 @@colmap = {:module_name=>0, :method_name=>1, :comments=>2, :exp_outcome=>3, :exp_error=>4, :first_param=>5}

012 @@ss_format = ARGV[0]

013 @@specified_browser = ARGV[1]


015 def setup

016 puts "[Starting at #{Time.now}]\n"

017 case @@ss_format

018 when "excel"

019 @ss = Excel.new("watirmelon.xls")

020 when "wiki"

021 @ss = Excel.new("http://localhost:8080/download/attachments/2097153/watirmelon.xls")

022 when "gdocs"

023 @ss = Google.new("0AtL3mPY2rEqmdEY3XzRqUlZKSmM5Z3EtM21UdFdqb1E")

024 else

025 @ss = Openoffice.new("watirmelon.ods")

026 end

027 @ss.default_sheet = @ss.sheets.first

028 case @@specified_browser

029 when "firefox"

030 Watir::Browser.default = 'firefox'

031 @browser = Watir::Browser.new

032 else

033 Watir::Browser.default = 'ie'

034 @browser = Watir::Browser.new

035 @browser.speed = :zippy

036 @browser.visible = true

037 end

038 end


040 def test_run_sheet()

041 @ss.first_row.upto(@ss.last_row) do |row|

042 #Read row into array

043 line = Array.new

044 @ss.first_column.upto(@ss.last_column) do |column|

045 line << @ss.cell(row, column).to_s.strip

046 end


048 module_name = line[@@colmap[:module_name]]

049 if module_name != "Function" then #if not a header

050 method_name = line[@@colmap[:method_name]].downcase.gsub(' ','_') #automatically determine ruby method name based upon data sheet

051 exp_outcome = line[@@colmap[:exp_outcome]]

052 exp_error = line[@@colmap[:exp_error]]

053 first_param = @@colmap[:first_param]

054 required_module = Kernel.const_get(module_name)

055 required_method = required_module.method(method_name)

056 arity = required_method.arity() # this is how many arguments the method requires, it is negative if a 'catch all' is supplied.

057 arity = ((arity * -1) - 1) if arity < 0 # arity is negative when there is a 'catch all'

058 arity = arity-1 # Ignore the first browser parameter

059 unless arity == 0

060 parameters = line[first_param..first_param+(arity-1)]

061 else

062 parameters = []

063 end

064 begin

065 act_outcome, act_output = required_method.call(@browser, *parameters)

066 rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => e

067 self.send(:add_failure, e.message, e.backtrace)

068 act_outcome = false

069 act_output = e.message

070 end

071 if (exp_outcome == 'Success') and act_outcome then

072 assert(true, "Expected outcome and actual outcome are the same")

073 result = 'PASS'

074 elsif (exp_outcome == 'Error') and (not act_outcome) and (exp_error.strip! == act_output.strip!)

075 assert(true, "Expected outcome and actual outcome are the same, and error messages match")

076 result = 'PASS'

077 else

078 result = 'FAIL'

079 begin

080 assert(false,"Row: #{row}: Expected outcome and actual outcome for #{method_name} for #{module_name} do not match, or error messages do not match.")

081 rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => e

082 self.send(:add_failure, e.message, e.backtrace)

083 end

084 end

085 puts "###########################################"

086 puts "[Running: #{module_name}.#{method_name}]"

087 puts "[Expected Outcome: #{exp_outcome}]"

088 puts "[Expected Error: #{exp_error}]"

089 puts "[Actual Outcome: Success]" if act_outcome

090 puts "[Actual Outcome: Error]" if not act_outcome

091 puts "[Actual Output: #{act_output}]"

092 puts "[RESULT: #{result}]"

093 puts "###########################################"

094 end

095 end

096 end


098 def teardown

099 @browser.close

100 puts "[Finishing at #{Time.now}]\n\n"

101 end


103 end

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